Nowadays life and debt is much in common. We are like comfortable living with massive of debts and in fact we are taking it even more. The worst thing about it our debt levels have consistently increase and studies shows that we always achieve high number of debts every quarter.
Why do we keep adding to our debt loads — and where will it stop?
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When you can have a brand new car, most people will get it, thinking why not? If I can, I might as well have a nicer home. If I can, I might was well have nicer clothes and the list goes on,” says Tim Hydzik, a 28-year-old Edmonton entrepreneur.
A few years ago, he leased a new SUV and then racked up $16,000 in credit card debt. “With my vehicle, it was me knowing I was capable of having it, so I chose to have it. When things are good, you assume that things are going to stay good. You’re never forecasting the future.”
Almost half of Canadians who have credit card debt say they always or often carry an outstanding balance, according to a survey by Harris/Decima for Hoyes, Michalos & Associates. One in four say it will take more than a year to pay off their outstanding balance; 1 in 20 report that they will never be able to fully pay off the debt.
When do we hit the panic button?
Stephen Harper, Prime Minister of Canada, spoke to journalists in January about our rising levels of household debt.
“There are a percentage of Canadian households who have probably borrowed too much,” Mr. Harper told the press conference in Vancouver.
Mr. Harper said he and his wife borrowed money in recent years because of the low rates; however, he said if rates rise significantly, they could still afford to carry that debt.
“So look, it’s not a reason to panic; in fact, we’ve actually seen Canadian debt beginning to level off. But we would obviously encourage people to look at their debt levels carefully. Eventually, it may not be for two, three years, but eventually interest rates will start to rise. And Canadians should ask themselves serious questions about if interest rates came up significantly, would I still be able to afford my debt payments?”
One useful stress test is to consider what would happen if interest rates rose two percentage points. Think about how you would cope with a job loss. Also, calculate how much you spend to service your debts. For example, are you spending more than 15% of your net income toward servicing your credit card debt? Banks suggest that you take your monthly debt obligations (credit card payments and mortgage payments) and divide it by your after-tax income; it should be between 30% to 45%.
In 2011, Mr. Hydzik moved to Kelowna to start a new business; his financial circumstances had changed but his lifestyle and spending habits did not. Soon, he fell behind on his credit card bills and creditors started calling. It took him three years to clear his debts; he made his last payment a few months ago.
“It’s a feeling of relief, it’s a feeling of accomplishment,” he says. “Face your debt rather than run away from it.”
Canadians’ collective debt is worth a record $1.422-trillion, according to credit agency Equifax Canada, and we don’t seem to be slowing down. Consumer debt, excluding mortgages have risen from $334.6 billion in the first quarter of 2007 to $518.3 billion through the end of November 2013.
TransUnion predicts the average consumer’s total non-mortgage debt will hit an all-time high of $28,853 by the end of 2014.
Although debt levels are climbing, Equifax Canada reports that delinquencies are at all-time low with only 1.12% of Canadians in arrears for more than three months. “Debt is going up but are they able to make monthly payments? The answer so far is ‘yes,’” says Regina Malina, director of modeling and analytics for Equifax.
It seems like good news: we are better at handling our debts.
But paying off only the minimum balance and calling yourself up-to-date on your bills is like treading water. Sooner or later, you’ll drown. A bank can demand you repay your loan, your credit cards may reach their limits and your credit rating may suffer so that you can’t qualify for more financing.
And interest rates might rise so that it all costs you even more.
“With the lower interest rates, it allowed people to get into a view that interest rates are going to be low forever,” says Brian Pritchard, a trustee in bankruptcy and senior vice-president of BDO Canada. He adds that he acutely remembers that in the early ’80s, interest rates soared above 20%; last year, five-year fixed rate closed mortgages dropped as low as 2.99% at some major banks.
Canadians carry an average of two credit cards per household, says the Canadian Bankers Association, but it’s not uncommon for people to have more than two.
“You see now a lot of the retailers have now gotten into the finance business. I remember walking through the store and someone offered me a free hammer if I applied for a credit card through Canadian Tire,” Mr. Pritchard says.
“You’re going to go into the Bay or Walmart or Sears and each of those have their own credit card. They’ll give you a discount if you apply. Now you’ve got access to a limit of say $5,000 that some people view as free money.”
BDO suggests that you use your tax refund to pay down credit card debt. (The government reported that the average individual tax refund for the 2012 tax year was about $1,620.)
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